Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Free Healthcare from Alex Noerdin Attracts North Jakarta Residents

JAKARTA Governor with the serial number of 6, H Alex Noerdin said the enthusiasm of the weaker sections in trying to obtain free healthcare in many places in Jakarta, denotes that the health care insurance program for poor families (JPK Gakin) has not worked optimally until now. Many poorer residents who have the Gakin card are demanded payment by unscrupulous officials when going for treatment at health centers and the Regional General Hospital. The services provided are not optimal, and staff is not friendly.
“The enthusiasm of the poorer people to get free healthcare from the medical team of Alex Noerdin & Nono Sampono (Noesa) proves that the free healthcare program implemented through the JPK Gakin scheme by the city government is not working optimally. Well, this is irrefutable evidence,” said Alex after reviewing a social service event on free medical treatment at Kampung Noesa RT 005/RW 05, Jalan Jati III, Sungai Bambu Village, Tanjungpriok District, North Jakarta, Thursday (14/6).
Hundreds of residents from several neighbourhood associations (RT), most of them women and the elderly came for free medical treatment. The medical check up was carried out by Dr Trisna and two paramedics. They lined up in an orderly manner, taking advantage of coupons distributed by community association (RW) head Abdullah Mustakim.
Alex even asked residents who came for treatment about the city government’s health services through the JPK Gakin scheme and certificate of underprivileged citizens (SKTM) that is financed through hundreds of billions of rupiahs from the Jakarta budget. “Why have you come to receive treatment from the medical team from the ‘3 Years Possible’ campaign headquarters? Are there not the JPK Gakin and SKTM schemes that are also free?” asked Alex.
“There are long queues, the service is unfriendly, and we are even asked to pay, even though Governor Fauzi Bowo says that it is free. This means it is not free. If you want to seek treatment for inpatient care, many hospitals are full with no rooms available. But if you give money directly to the staff a room will become available,” said Achmad Durori (65).
For this reason, the pair of Alex and Nono are determined that if later elected as Governor and Deputy Governor of Jakarta, both of them will provide 100 percent free education and healthcare. “There should be no levies on the ground. Those unscrupulous officials that charge patients will definitely be severely sanctioned,” stressed Alex. wkp

Berobat Gratis Ala Alex Noerdin Diserbu Warga Jakarta Utara
CALON Gubernur (cagub) DKI nomor urut  6, H Alex Noerdin  mengatakan, antusiasme warga  tak mampu berobat gratis di banyak tempat  di Jakarta,  menunjukkan program jaminan pelayanan  kesehatan  keluarga miskin (JPK Gakin) selama ini, tidak berhasil secara optimal. Banyak warga yang tak mampu memiliki kartu Gakin berobat di Puskesmas dan Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) dimintai uang oleh oknum petugas. Pelayanan  yang diberikan juga tak maksimal, petugasnya tidak ramah.
“Antusiasme warga tak mampu berobat gratis ke tim kesehatan Alex Noerdin- Nono Sampono (Noesa) membuktikan program berobat gratis melalui JPK Gakin yang sudah dilaksanakan Pemprov DKI  tidak berhasil secara optimal. Nah, ini bukti tak terbantahkan,” ujar Alex Noerdin usai meninjau bakti sosial pengobatan gratis di Kampung Noesa RT 005/RW 05, Jalan Jati III Kelurahan Sungai Bambu, Kecamatan Tanjungpriok, Jakarta Utara, Kamis (14/6).
Ratusan warga di sejumlah RT, kebanyakan kaum ibu dan bapak lanjut usia (lansia) berobat gratis. Pemeriksaan dilakukan dr Trisna dan dua paramedis. Mereka antre secara tertib, memanfaatkan kupon yang telah dibagikan Ketua RW Mustakim Abdullah.
Alex sempat bertanya kepada para warga yang berobat  tentang pelayanan  kesehatan Pemprov DKI melalui JPK Gakin dan surat keterangan tak mampu (SKTM) yang dibiayai ratusan miliar rupiah menggunakan dana APBD DKI. “Kenapa mau berobat ke tim medis  posko Rumah Kerja  3 Tahun Bisa? Bukankah sudah ada program JPK Gakin dan SKTM yang juga gratis?” tanya Alex.
“Ngantrenya lama, pelayannya tidak ramah, masih juga dipungut biaya, padahal kata Gubernur Fauzi Bowo gratis. Berarti tidak gratis dong. Kalau mau berobat di rawat inap, banyak RSUD penuh, tidak ada kamar. Tetapi kalau mau memberi uang kepada petugas kok langsung ada kamar,” kata Achmad Durori (65).
Karenanya, pasangan Alex-Nono sudah bertekad kelak jadi Gubernur dan Wagub DKI, keduanya menggratiskan biaya sekolah dan kesehatan seratus persen. “Tidak boleh ada pungutan di lapangan. Oknum  petugas yang membandel, masih melakukan pungutan, pasti dikenai sanksi berat,” tegas Alex. Bay

Conclusion :
In the midst of rampant election Governor of DKI Jakarta Governor candidates in particular has promoted himself as a candidate for Governor. Therefore the candidate for Governor was marak-maraknya provide facilities or services to the citizens of jakarta in order to better manage the complex for the citizens of jakarta. As we can see many buildings or facilities of its own that has been given by the Governor of jakarta which is now still served as Governor, many are untreated or not maintaining the facilities so wasted even damaged. As for the waitress to the citizens of jakarta which he said there was a servant of treatment free but can not run smoothly because there is a person-a person who does not make the passage of the process that has been planned in advance.
Here especially the prospective Governor of DKI Jakarta Alex Noerdin - Nono Sampono (Noesa) will promote itself as a candidate for the Governor to give free medical treatment services for the citizens of jakarta's poor. Alex - Nono will promise to provide service to the citizens of jakarta.
This Demo only as promo for the election of Governor of DKI Jakarta so chosen because it has provided community service the citizens of jakarta. In fact we expect as citizens not only just the beginning of the Governor or the leading citizens of jakarta by offering services that are provided. The point is that in general these leaders will only provide services only to the beginning of the next is left alone or is a person who creates a program does not run smoothly. Therefore citizens of jakarta hopes to continue to provide service to the citizens of jakarta. Not just nonsense. And provide facilities or a quality service as well.

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